Artist Feature: Rela

Our featured artist this week is Afrobeat star Rela.

Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m Rela, an Afrobeat artist in Derby. My path has been quite distinctive. I achieved a first-class degree in my BSc and obtained a Master’s degree from the University of Derby.

My musical journey started in the churches of Lagos, where I spent countless hours behind the drum set, soaking in the rhythms and beats. As I traveled between cities, my passion for music only grew stronger.

At some point, I found myself spinning tracks as a disc jockey, immersing myself in the world of music even deeper. But it wasn’t until I made the decision to make music my main focus that I truly found my calling.

For the past two years, I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into crafting my own sound and writing my own songs. Influenced by my experiences as a church drummer and DJ, my music is a fusion of infectious rhythms and soulful melodies.

As an independent artist, I’ve garnered close to a million plays on Spotify. Recently, there’s been a surge on TikTok, with content creators using my sound. I’m incredibly grateful for this recognition and support.

My biggest goal? To establish my presence in the Afrobeat music scene. With each track I create, I’m working towards that dream, sharing my passion and talent with the world. So keep an eye on me, because I’m determined to make waves in the world of Afrobeat music.

When did you first start to develop a passion for music?

I started developing a passion for music at a very young age. I started as a drummer in church. While grouping up I listened to a lot of different artist like Tuface, Mohits, styl plus and so many other Nigerian artists.

How would you describe your music to someone who hasn’t heard you before?

I’d describe my music as a vibrant blend of Afrobeat rhythms, soulful melodies, and thought-provoking lyrics. It’s a fusion of various influences, reflecting my diverse musical journey.

I strive to create music that transcends age barriers, resonating with listeners of all generations. Whether you’re looking to dance, reflect, or simply vibe with the music, there’s something for everyone in my songs.

My goal is to offer a refreshing and inclusive musical experience that speaks to the soul and connects people from all walks of life.

What music have you recorded and released to date?

I have 4 singles now:
Fadekemi remix ft a hype man Nheeyo and Tiana
Let them know

I’m currently working on the next one.

Which artists do you enjoy listening to at the moment – and do they influence your work?

I listen to various artist of different genres:

Seye Vibez
Kanye West
And a lot more

Listening to various artist does influence my work in some way. It gives me the ability to not be restricted to just one way of creating music.

Who would your dream collaboration be with?

It will be Dave and Burnaboy.

What are your plans for the future?

I’m currently focused on my upcoming single, set to be released in the coming months, and I’m eager to continue crafting more music while refining my unique style.

Where can we find out more about you?

You can find me on Instagram @relathevibe.

You can link to my latest music release: